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My name is Dessie Avila, and I am a doctoral candidate at Tennessee Tech University working on my dissertation. I am looking for participants for my dissertation about the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) counselors working in rural areas.

      The criteria are as follows:
      (a) identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color;
      (b) have a temporary license or are fully licensed counselor and are currently able to practice within the United States;
      (c) currently work or worked in the past in one or more rural counties for at least 20 hours a week; and
      (d) be 18 years or older.

      Participants will need to complete one in-depth interview and a follow-up interview and bring an artifact representative of their experience as a BIPOC counselor working in a rural setting. An artifact can be music, an object, an image, or any other item. The interviews will take place over Zoom. Participating in the research will take about 1.75 hours. Participants will receive a $50 Amazon gift card after the follow-up interview.

Consent to participate:

Dessie Avila, LPC-MHSP (TN)
PhD Candidate, Counseling and Supervision
Supervised by Dr. Agnes Luo & Dr. Katie Hermann-Turner at Tennessee Tech University

The study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB ) at Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN (#2799)