Beginning with Babies: Introduction to Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health
1 CE Hour
“Beginning with Babies: Introduction to Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health”
Evonna Surrette & Kat Johnson
Online, anytime access to a pre-recorded webinar.
This webinar was recorded during our 2020 Virtual Counseling and Therapy Summit.
It’s never too late, but early intervention is best. According to the Zero to Three “1 in 5 children has a diagnosable mental disorder, but factors that predict mental health problems can be identified in the early years.” This presentation will focus on the foundations of IECMH and will provide a better understanding of the mental health needs of infants, toddlers and young children and their caregivers as well as modalities for supporting them.
Workshop Objectives
- Following this presentation, participants will have a greater understanding of the foundations of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.
- Following this presentation, participants will understand the importance of reflective supervision and consultation within Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.
- Following this presentation, participants will understand have insight into the different modalities used to engage clients and families in therapy.
About the Speaker
Evonna Surrette
Evonna Surrette, LPC-MHSP, experience includes private practice, residential treatment, specialized day treatment programs, school counseling and currently community-based mental health. Evonna’s career has focused on treating, infant and early childhood, pre-adolescents and adolescents with developmental trauma and attachment related issues. Evonna specializes in Developmental Trauma, Attachment, and Eating Disorders.
TLPCA Contact
If you any questions, please contact Robin Lee.