I have a supervisee who is not likely to finish her supervision hours within 4 years. What is the process by which she can file an extension? She started during the height of COVID in 2020 and switched jobs and is ontrack to finish her hours in last part of 2024
The rule states no less than 2 years and no more than 4. She is getting stressed about it and I am trying to help her.
I believe it requires a letter to the Board explaining why it took her longer than the 4 year deadline. Extensions are granted by the Board when appropriate (sickness, job changes, moves, pregnancies, etc). It is a decision for the Board.
I would suggest giving the licensure board a call. I was just recently granted lpc-mhsp. I completed my hours in 5 years. The licensure reviewer thought this extra year might be a problem and had to send my application to the “special approver.” Ultimately, because I was a school-based therapist during the covid quarantine shut-down with schools, they granted me leniency.