Hello! My name is Dessie Avila, and I am a doctoral candidate at Tennessee Tech University working on my dissertation.
I am looking for participates in my research project about Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) counselor experiences working in a rural area. If you participate in my project, you will need to participate in one in-depth interview and another follow-up interview and bring an artifact representative of your experience as a BIPOC counselor working in a rural setting. An artifact can be music, an object, an image, or any other item. The interviews will take place over Zoom. It will take you about 1.75 hours to participate in the research. For more information or to sign up, contact me at dsavila42@tntech.edu Please send this information to others who might be interested in participating. Consent to participate: https://tntech.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3rtQQgzT9ok9SbI