TLPCA Counseling and Therapy Summit
2025 Call for Proposals
The deadline for submission is midnight on Friday, March 14, 2025.
Thank you for your interest in being a presenter at the 2025 TLPCA Counseling and Therapy Summit. We are excited that you want to share your expertise with our professional community!
The 2025 Counseling and Therapy Summit will be offering 50-minute content sessions and roundtable sessions on Friday, June 13, on a variety of topics. We rely on the knowledge and skills of our members and other professionals in the community and appreciate your willingness to submit a proposal.
The 50-minute education sessions allow for lecture, discussion, and activities in a classroom learning environment. Technology (e.g., projectors, monitors, computers) will be provided. Presenters are responsible for bringing devices and any adapters to connect to projectors.
The 50-minute Roundtable sessions will be held at a roundtable, allowing presenters and up to eight attendees to engage in an in-depth discussion. A maximum of two presenters can be included on roundtables. No technology will be provided.
Please note: if you are presenting research, please consider submitting a proposal for a poster session.
Content sessions require that one presenter hold a minimum of a master’s degree. Students are only eligible to be first presenters on poster presentations.
There are multiple benefits to presenting at the 2025 Counseling and Therapy Summit:
- Presenters will receive a 50% discount on a full-conference or Saturday-only Summit registration.
- Promotion of presenter(s) name and credentials on our website, and in all electronic and print marketing materials, where appropriate.
- Recognition of presenter(s) expertise by TLPCA members and other mental health professionals.
- Opportunities to network with other mental health professionals.
As you develop your proposal, be prepared to provide the following information in the submission form:
- Presenter’s Training Relevant to Topic
- Co-presenter(s): First Name, Last Name, Email, Highest Level of Degree Achieved, Major or Field of Study, Licensure Type, Bios
- Title of Presentation
- Program Summary (typically between 50 and 100 words, download guidelines): describe your presentation (using present or future tense). If your proposal is accepted, this will be the description published in the conference program. Please be sure your description is detailed and representative of your session material. This will ensure that attendees are clear about the content and learning objectives you will be presenting.
- Specify the content areas:
- Counseling Theory/Practice and the Counseling Relationship
- Human Growth and Development
- Social and Cultural Foundations
- Group Dynamics and Counseling
- Career Development and Counseling
- Assessment
- Research and Program Evaluation
- Counselor Professional Identity and Practice Issues
- Wellness
- Systemic
- Provide three (3) Program Objectives: please provide three (3) measurable learning objectives. These objectives should complete the following sentence: “Following this presentation, participants will be able to identify…utilize…explain….understand…”
- Biographical Statement of Presenters (max 50 words, download guidelines): provide a brief description of your personal experience(s) as you want to be identified in the conference program. Include your current title, professional affiliations, organizations, and area(s) of expertise.