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Unsocial Media: A Look at the Relational Problems of Teens & Young Adults in the Internet Age & Strategies to Effect Positive Change


1 CE Hour

“Unsocial Media: A Look at the Relational Problems of Teens & Young Adults in the Internet Age & Strategies to Effect Positive Change”

S. David Hall

Technological advancements have provided more ways for people to communicate and share information than ever before. But evidence also seems to show that feelings of social isolation and anxiety in relationships is also rising. This training will look at the context of these trends, explore research as to why connecting technology is creating greater feelings of isolation, and ways that counselors/therapists can have positive impact on decreasing anxiety and improving relational satisfaction.

Workshop Objectives

  1. To identify the major trends in social media and others interactive technologies and how they have impacted recent generations.
  2. To understand the research as to how social media and interactive technology are creating contexts of greater social isolation and relational anxiety.
  3. To implement practical ways for counselors and others in helping professions to apply a greater knowledge in the social effects of interactive technology to support people in creating and maintaining healthy habits and relationships.

About the Speaker

S. David Hall

Dr. Stephen “David” Hall is the Chief Maven of PsychMaven, a group that provides education and resources to mental health professionals. He is the owner/counseling director of Haven Counseling Center in Knoxville, TN, and is the former president of the Tennessee Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

TLPCA Contact

If you any questions, please contact Robin Lee.