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Love in the Time of COVID

I’ve been trying to figure out what I could do to be of any help to you, Professional Counselors and Counselors in Training of Tennessee, during this time of scary transition, horrifying loss, tele-health adaptation and isolation.

There are enough scary stories out there already. There are also many (I am hesitant to say enough, as there are probably never enough) wonderful training webinars and articles about how to assist patients and clients in these troubled times.  I still may write a few of my own before this is over.

Maybe what we don’t have enough of is snippets of wisdom and whimsy that may have something hopeful or helpful to say to us as we travel on this new path.  One we would have never chosen.

You are some of those first responders, who run toward the fire.  It is the best of our human nature that you display as you listen to people with heartbreaking stories and sad hearts.  I hope you know that the Universe thanks you.  We don’t say it enough, and our cultures don’t pay you enough.  But you are all Rock Stars!

Hang in there….. It’s a cliche, but it is nonetheless true, that we can do this, if we do it with each other; supporting each other.

The snippets of wisdom and whimsy will not be all mine.  I will gather them.  I will make them short, so you can ignore them if you want.  My hope is that some of them will speak to you and offer either a laugh, some encouragement or some ideas of how to get through this messy time.

They are offered with love…hence the title.

Ann Sparling White, MS, NCC, LPC (retired), LMHC (retired)
TLPCA Membership Chair


I need to credit this, but I no longer know where I got it. If any of you recognize the author, please pass it on, and I’ll note. I thought her ideas were loaded with wisdom.

  1. Know that shit happens to everyone.
  2. Find 3 things that are good or were good about your day today.
  3. Ask: Is what I’m doing right now good or bad for me. If it’s bad for you, stop doing it.

Snippet #1 – Home

Most of us are there a lot more than we used to be. I have friends who madly clean and others that have difficulty finding a clean plate for dinner.

We’re all different in how we need this space to be. But the snippet of the day is that we all might think of this space (or a space) carefully so as to make it work for us. Here is a quote from “Feng Shui for Dummies” by David Daniel Kennedy. ( I’ll bet you didn’t know such a book existed, did you?).

“Everyone appreciates the benefits of beautiful, comfortable living environments. Feng Shui says that your surroundings affect not just your level of material comfort but also your physical and mental health, your relationships, and your worldly success.” Who knew??! Well, now you do. Make your space yours, even if it’s just a corner. You’ll be glad you did.